Please Help The Chicago Bible Society continue its New Media Project which is in danger of shutting down due to a sudden lack of funding
When we first started this blog over two years ago, one of our first posts told of the effort of General Douglas MacArthur to send millions of Bibles and a call for missionaries for Japan following the end of World War II
Today, if MacArthur were alive, he would note that, in light of the fact that millions of Japanese use Smart Phones and Internet Devices on a daily basis, he could distribute Bibles (using free online Bible apps) using the new technology.
For the past two years, in cooperation with Ministries such as The YouVersion Bible and, the Chicago Bible Society has been distributing online Bibles and Bible Studies around the world in addition to its traditional programs of Bible Distribution to prisons, hospitals, and other local outreaches.
Up until now, this program has been entirely funded by a generous long time member of the Board of Directors of CBS. Unfortunately, due to declining health and loss of income, this good man (in his 80's) has left the Chicago Bible Society. It happened at Christmas Time and at the December Board meeting it was decided that unless an alternate source of funding were quickly found, the New Media Project would have be suspended at the very least, which it is at this moment.
If you are reading this post today, you most likely can see the value of Bible Distribution in Chicago and around the world via these Bible apps. The New Media Department was also in the process of developing additional online ministry programs. Now its all in limbo at present and there is no guarantee of its being restored unless some support is provided by others who share the vision.
If you would like to make a donation, whether large or small today, you can play a vital part in helping this ministry continue. You can even make a donation safely and securely by Credit Card or e-check using
PayPal. by clicking on the Join/Donate tab near the top of our website
When you make your donation please make a note that it is for the New Media Outreach. Thank you and God Bless you! Allan Winters CBS New Media Director